OTBCA Membership
We are always looking for new members to join out association. You can join as a buisness and/or an individual. OTBCA membership comes in 4 different tiers.
OTBCA meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Ottertail City Community Center. Come to a meeting before joining to see what we are all about.
Individual Level
You do not need to be a business owner to be a part of the assosiation. A majority of our members are actually individuals who have a passion for giving back to our community.
Business Tier 1
Business that choose the Teir 1 Membership will get their name in the directory and be a voting member of the association.
Business Tier 2
The Tier 2 Membership gives your business more visability with a listing in our directory with you logo, contact information, and a small discription of your business.
Business Tier 3
Tier 3 comes with all the benefits of Tier 2 with the added benefits of a direct link to your website and your business will be a featured business throughout the year.
Music in the Park Sponsor
Love Music in the Park, but don't want to join the association? You can still sponsor the event with a separate donation directly to the program.